Helpful Links
WV State Legislature
Designed to strengthen your connection with WV's legislature and laws that govern this state, this site provides you with the access to various resources, including contact information, reports, legislation and educational material.
WV Association of Counties
The West Virginia Association of Counties' goal is to achieve unity of purpose among elected county officials including assessors, circuit clerks, county clerks, county commissioners, prosecuting attorneys and sheriffs in order to promote the professionalism, reservation and protection of county government for the benefit of all county citizens they serve.
West Virginia State Police
West Union Detachment
Address: 2 Lois Lane, Greenwood, WV 26415
Phone: 304-873-2101
WV Division of Corrections
WV Regional Jail Authority
North Central Regional Jail
Address: 1 Lois Lane, Greenwood, WV 26415
Phone: 304-873-1384
Fax: 304-873-1381
Community Connect Foundation
Community Connect Foundation was formed with the purpose of promoting community development and sustainability through the use and adoption of technologies.
West Virginia Office of Technology
The West Virginia Office of Technology (WVOT), under the Department of Administration and its Chief Technology Officer, sets goals to develop an organized approach to information resource management for this state while providing technical assistance to state entities in the design and management of information systems.
Doddridge County Fair
The Doddridge County Fair will feature Award Winning Entertainment. The Fair also includes activities such as a Nightly Track Events, queen's pageant, Arts & Crafts, 4-H livestock shows, Motorcycle Show and award-winning food vendors. Come on out to the Doddridge County Fair and enjoy the rides, games, and entertainment for the whole family!
Doddridge County Historical Society
The Doddridge County Historical Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization made up of a group of like-minded people who enjoy all things historical. The Society is devoted to the progress of Doddridge County and the county's history in particular. Family history is a great part of that focus. Genealogy is welcomed. In fact, many of our members are family historians themselves.
Doddridge County Library
The Doddridge County Library provides educational support, activities, and services to aid the citizens of Doddridge County.
Doddridge County Health Department
The Doddridge County Health Department provides a wide array of health services to all citizens of Doddridge County.
7 State-Funded Rehab Centers In West Virginia
If you are a resident of West Virginia seeking treatment for a substance abuse issue, you may be eligible for state-funded treatment services. The top state-funded rehab centers offer a variety of evidence-based addiction treatment options.
Top 5 Free Rehab Centers In West Virginia
The state of West Virginia offers payment assistance for people seeking drug and alcohol treatment. Other options for free and low-cost addiction treatment in the state include nonprofit organizations.